Thursday, July 24, 2014

Flickr and Jason Horejs

Recently I've been uploading my most recent photos and designs to my Flickr Photostream so now you can see some of my best works there.  Since Flickr does not allow using their site for direct selling of photography or other items, you can still contact me by coming here.

The past couple of weeks I have been taking a free online email workshop given by art gallery owner Jason Horejs who owns Xanadu Gallery in Scottsdale, AZ.  Jason Horejs is also the author of the book Starving to Successful.  So far the e-course has been very interesting and will hopefully teach me things I need to learn to possibly show my photography (and maybe my paintings) in an actual gallery somewhere.  But even if it doesn't, this course is helping me learn more about myself, and that there are many, many others out there striving to do work that someone will someday buy.  I am expecting to learn more about how to present myself and my work in the best possible light I can.

Okay, just a quick example of some of the photography you can see on my Flicker Photostream.


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